Enjoyable holiday in harmony with Nature – naturally organic


This is what a wonderful, balanced breakfast should be like! Guests on the Obergluniger farm will be convinced of this. The generously provided breakfast table within the idyllic ancient walls of the farmyard can hardly be surpassed for organic delicacies. Hostess Marlene puts all her effort and skill into the thoughtful daily buffet. Home-made fruit spreads, compotes, herb teas from her own garden, organic products from the immediate neighbourhood with eggs, sausage, cheese. Home-baked bread and cakes, delicious coffee from fair trade production and so on are set before you.

Organic tastes better

And when the organic farmer, Heinrich Platter invites guests to taste the wine, every wine lover's mouth waters. Red and white wines grow on the idyllic, sun-drenched farm, together with many varieties of apples, which are offered fresh to bite into or as fruity organic apple juice to sample and take home.

And for all those, who prefer not to use the kitchen in their apartment, Marlene and Heinrich are ready with any amount of (secret) culinary tips in the region. Welcome to the Obergluniger pleasure palace, welcome to South Tyrol, the land of pleasure!